Friday, August 20, 2010

Why is it that when i install free avg on winxpsp1 my computer wont start?

The windows wont load and it will keep rebooting. Same thing happenend when I installed Avira Antivirus

Why is it that when i install free avg on winxpsp1 my computer wont start?ktm

reinstall your os

Why is it that when i install free avg on winxpsp1 my computer wont start?nortan

You need to get SP2. If your XP is genuine, Microsoft will mail you a CD, which I preferred to trying to download it where I wouldn't have a disk to fall back on if something went wrong. The current software is keyed to SP2.
its because all new software NEEDS xp sp2. you can get it from windows website.

if your copy of windows ISNT genuine then follow this link for it developers. its the same thing but it doesnt do the upgrade via update center. you just download the service pack direct and install.

hit the download link and your good to go (Y)

later ;]

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