Friday, August 20, 2010

If you have Comcast, they advertise free virus protection.?

Is it as good as Norton Internet Security/Norton Antivirus?

If you have Comcast, they advertise free virus protection.?free spyware remover

Yes I have com cast it is McaFee virus scan fire wall personal security some thing to clean computer junk and registry cleaner and more . it is driving me crazy it protects my computer very good but I have to wait for example I check mail I wait five to ten seconds then all the mail get down fast it checks the mail first then down load it and same to some sites it check the site then it opens it.

If you have Comcast, they advertise free virus protection.?ktm

anything free is never good
Your best bet is to use a search engine and search for reviews.
yes, go to or and click on security and folow the on screen insturstions and yes it is free and yes it is good its macafe
I have no experience of that software. Better to be on safeside. You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at and
I have comcast but I only trust norton. I have used it but when it is installed on your computer it runs like 7 processes which slows your computer down where as Norton only runs 2

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